Analysis of the labor law impact of COVID-19

The Labor & Employment team of Affinitas has produced a comparative analysis of the most pressing questions and legal issues that result from the global pandemic caused by COVID-19 in the four jurisdictions of the Pacific Alliance.

This publication can be consulted here.

Please note that the information presented in this overview was published and is up-to-date up until 20 March 2020.
This information is not to be construed as legal advice.

COVID-19 Response

In light of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the four countries in which Affinitas is present are taking specific actions to mitigate the spread of the corona virus. They also have specific regulations that will impact business operations in each country.

Our member firms have reacted swiftly and are informing clients about these measures and regulatory frameworks to help clients make sense of the risks face and mitigation strategies they can implement.

Affinitas will update this dedicated webpage with the information releases and insights issued by our member Firms.

The webpage can be accessed here.