Chambers and Partners ranks 112 Affinitas lawyers and 52 practice areas in its 2022 Latin America

Chambers and Partners recently published its 2022 edition for Latin America. Chambers researched 19 countries and 199 practice areas in Latin America, covering the period from September 2020 to May 2021. The guide includes 670 ranked firms and 3751 individual rankings.

This guide ranks and reviews the top law firms and lawyers across the region, offering market-leading insights for those looking to discover the most suitable providers of legal services.

When looking at number of lawyers ranked in this latest edition, Affinitas stands out as the leading regional team in the market with a total of 112 lawyers being recognized. The closest competitors – other law firms that operate under a single brand and are present in several or all jurisdiction of the Pacific Alliance- lag behind, with the next five firms obtaining 95, 73, 52, 35, 33 and 28 rankings respectively.

Aggregated individual rankings in Chambers and Partners Latin America (figures for Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru)


Affinitas also obtained no less than 52 practice area rankings, making it the regional team with the strongest offering in its league. What stands out when having a closer look at these rankings is that out those 52 practice areas ranked, 13 are in Band1, 17 in Band 2, 18 in Band 3, and 4 in Band 4. This aligns perfectly with the business strategy of our alliance: leading in every market where we are present and for every service we offer.

Affinitas itself is also ranked in Band 1 in the category «Leading Regional Law Firm Networks in Latin America-wide».


We would like to thank our member firms for this outstanding performance, and also thank their clients for their continued trust and feedback.