Generation / Photovoltaic Plant Alcones
- Country: Chile
- Industry: Energy - Electricity
- Location: Marchigüe - Region of O’Higgins
- Volume: 90 Mw
- Investment: 120 million
- Call Date: 3Q 2020
- Bidding: Private
The project will consist of the construction and operation of a new solar photovoltaic (PVP) plant producing electricity, through the transformation of solar energy into electrical energy by means of 28,896 mobile PV panels of 370 W each. The energy generated will be evacuated to the existing distribution network by means of a 23 kV evacuation line. This line will be approximately 82 m long and will have 2 poles plus 4 connection poles.
The PVP will have a power of 9 MW and will be built on an area of 30 ha. The plant will be built in a phase that will last 6 months, to have a useful life of 30 years, ending with a closure phase that will last 4 months.