2° Concession of Route 5 Collipulli - Temuco Stretch
- Country: Chile
- Industry: Toll roads and highways
- Location: Araucania Region, Collipulli, Ercilla, Victoria, Vilcún, Temuco, Padre Las Casas, Freire, Pitrufquén y Gorbea
- Property: Ministry of Public Works
- Volume: 144 km
- Investment: 238 million
- Call Date: 2024
- Bidding: Public
- Status: Under review
The project corresponds to the re-bidding of the 144 km section of the current Ruta 5, which connects the cities of Collipulli and Temuco, in the Araucanía Region. The initiative considers the improvement, rehabilitation and conservation of the current dual carriageway, as well as the construction of third lanes in specific sectors linked to populated areas and higher safety and signaling standards. The project also includes new junctions, service roads, walkways and stops, and the incorporation of free-flow gantries. Among the benefits of the project are the improvement of the route's safety standards, increased resistance to seismic movements and other natural hazards, and layout rectifications for a design speed of 120 km/hr.