Projects | November 30, 2022

Codelco Northen District Desalination Plants


  • Country: Chile
  • Industry: Water & Desalination
  • Location: Tocopilla, Region of Antofagasta
  • Property: National Copper Corporation of Chile (Codelco)
  • Volume: 1.956 l/s
  • Investment: 1 billion
  • Bidding: Private
  • Status: Initial construction


The project's goal is to reduce the unit consumption of continental water by 60% at the Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic and Ministro Hales divisions. The bidding date was cancelled in December 2019 to adjust the project to the new mining plan definitions and ensure compliance with probity and transparency standards. The execution of the project is in charge of Marubeni Corporation and Transelec and will have a BOOT (Build, Own, Operate and Transfer) type business model, i.e., the consortium will build, own and operate the plant, and then transfer it to Codelco.