Caitán WS Project
- Country: Chile
- Industry: Water & Desalination
- Location: Mejillones, Antofagasta Region
- Property: Caitán SpA. De Mitsui & Co. Ltd y Técnicas de Desalinización de Aguas S.A. (Tedagua)
- Volume: 1000 lt/s
- Investment: 2.5 billion
- Bidding: Private
- Status: In process
The project is being developed by Caitan SpA for BHP Billiton to improve the production of the Spence copper mine and to extend the life of the mine for more than 50 years. The transaction involves several jurisdictions and time zones were involved, which required great levels of coordination among the different teams of counsels involved and this transaction, including the need to negotiate different project documents such as EPCs, O&Ms, interface agreements, terminations and others.