Tren del Rio
- Country: Colombia
- Industry: Metro & Train
- Location: Medellín
- Property: Promotora Ferrocarril de Antioquia S.A.S.
- Volume: 46,5 km
- Investment: 377.070.064
- Call Date: 2024
- Term: 28 años
- Bidding: Public
- Status: Structuring
Contract for the construction and supply of rolling stock fir the segment of the Antioquia Railway, between Barbosa and the Aguacatala station of the Medellín Metro, called Tren del Río. This section, which will run parallel to the Medellín River, is 46.5 kilometers long and will have a total of 14 stations, 8 of which will be integrated with the Metro at an estimated cost of 4.88 billion pesos.