Headworks and Conduction for the Drinking Water Supply in Lima
- Country: Peru
- Industry: Water & Desalination
- Location: Lima
- Investment: 480 million
- Term: 30 years
- Bidding: Public
- Status: Convened
Self-financed Public initiative. It consists of the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of: a) the increase of the Pomacocha and/or Huallacocha Bajo dams; b) two canals on the banks of the Yauli River; c) a trans-Andean tunnel; d) the Huachipa II water treatment plant; e) two treated water reservoirs; f) the Ramal Sur transmission line; g) seven compensation reservoirs; and h) primary interconnection lines. It includes the operation and maintenance of existing works. Estimated award date: 2Q 2024.
*Information based on Proinversión projects. Does not include projects of other entities.