Maintenance And Exploitation Of A Desalinization Plan Of La Paz, In Baja California Sur
- Country: Mexico
- Industry: Water & Desalination
- Location: Baja California Sur
- Volume: Capacity of 200 l/s.
- Investment: 43 million
- Call Date: March 2020
- Term: 3rd Quarter 2021
- Bidding: Public-Private
- Status: Preinvestment
The project consists of the design, construction, equipment, operation, maintenance and exploitation of the desalinization plant of La Paz, in Baja California Sur, with a capacity of 200 l/s.
The project involves access and operation roads, construction of a direct marine water abstraction, construction of the desalinization plant, membranes, pumping water system, water connections, delivery points, water transmission lines, potable water storage tanks, power lines, implementation of contingency support, quality assurance, industrial safety and environmental protection systems.