Catemu Reservoir Concession
- Country: Chile
- Industry: Water & Desalination
- Location: Catemu - Region of Valparaíso
- Volume: 180 hm3
- Investment: 466 million
- Term: 22 years (fixed-term)
- Bidding: Public
The project consists in the construction, maintenance and operation of the Catemu Reservoir, which is located 14 km north of the town of the same name, in the Valparaiso Region. The construction seeks to supply mainly the irrigation needs with a total volume of 180 million m3 of capacity, flooding a total area of approximately 500 hectares. For this purpose, a CFRD (Concrete Face Rockfill Dam) type main wall is planned, which in simple terms is defined as a wall of rock and/or permeable gravel, compacted with a concrete screen on the upstream face, 1,200 m long and 65 m high approximately. In addition, a 25 km feeder channel is included that will allow water to be conveyed from the Aconcagua river basin to the reservoir, thus increasing the water resources that can be stored with 85% irrigation safety. The project is based on an integral view of the basin, which will benefit farmers and users, guaranteeing human consumption and irrigation, in a sustainable manner and over time. It is estimated that the project will benefit 26,577 hectares.