Mantoverde Development Project
- Country: Chile
- Industry: Water & Desalination
- Location: Chañaral - Region of Atacama
- Property: Mantos Copper
- Volume: 3.000 m3/h
- Investment: 847 million
- Term: 2024
- Bidding: Private
- Status: In progress
The Mantoverde Development project represents the operational continuity of the mine until 2041, through the exploitation of its sub-surplus sulfide resources. It considers the extraction and beneficiation of new ore reserves, expanding sectors that are currently being exploited. The process will be carried out through a new concentrator plant with a capacity of between 33 ktpd to 35.6 ktpd. It comprises an open-pit copper mine, with a crushing plant, mechanized material transport and stacking system, heap leaching, and a solvent extraction and electro-winning process. It also has a desalination plant. This project will allow Mantoverde to produce an average of 106 thousand tons of fine copper and 33 thousand ounces of gold per year, including approximately 74,000 tons of copper contained in high grade clean concentrate per year.