Chambers FinTech 2022 recognizes Barros & Errázuriz and Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes among leading firms

Affinitas member firms Barros & Errázuriz (Chile) and Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes (Mexico) were ranked in the Chambers FinTech 2022 guide, published by Chambers and Partners. Partners Sergio Eguiguren and Ignacio Armida were even recognized as Notable Practitioners.

According to Chambers & Partners, Barros & Errázuriz “has a market-leading FinTech practice handling a diverse range of mandates. The team advises early-stage technology businesses and investors on financing arrangements and also assists clients with regulatory matters”.

Meanwhile, Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes “draws upon its strengths in banking and finance, IP and corporate and M&A transactions to advise clients on the regulatory and legal structuring of their operations in Mexico. Its clients include startups, investment funds and financial institutions”.

Chambers FinTech is a comprehensive guide to the leading Fintech professionals across the world. Its recommendations are based on several months of research by a dedicated, independent team conducting hundreds of in-depths interviews with leading innovators and experts worldwide.

This guide identifies the leading payments, blockchain, cyber security and data protection specialists globally, offering an invaluable resource for start-up and scale-up FinTech businesses, incumbent tech and financial services firms, and PE/VC investors in the sector.

IBA Regional Forum: Deals, disruptions and growth areas in the Americas Conference

Affinitas participated as headline social event sponsor of “Deals, Disruptions and Growth Areas in the Americas” conference, organized by the International Bar Association.

This was the first joint conference on legal developments in the Americas in nearly a decade and included hundreds of top lawyers from around the world, with excellent opportunities for professional development and networking throughout.

Corporate and M&A partners Bernardo Simian, Pablo Guerrero, Vicente Cordero, Lina Uribe, Patricia Arrázola, Lorenza Langarica, Martín Sánchez, Eugenio Macouzet, and Roberto Mac Lean, as well as Affinitas Chair Juan Luis Avendaño, attended the event, which was held in Miami (USA) from December 6 – 8.

IBA conferences have become the premiere opportunity for legal professionals, enabling them to discuss key legislative changes in a number of jurisdictions both officially and unofficially, which is crucial to successfully practice in the current economic and social climate.

“Deals, Disputes and Growth Areas in the Americas” featured trendy topics such as increased client needs in respect of environment; greater demand for guidance around climate change; new challenges connected to cryptocurrency and fintech; and the spike in bankruptcy cases in the continent.

Latin Lawyer: The Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions

Our partnes Pablo Guerrero, Lina Uribe, Pablo Mijares and Patricio Trad, as well as senior associate Juan Pablo Caicedo, collaborated in the second edition of “The Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions”, published by Latin Lawyer. 

This publication seeks to provide guidance that will benefit all practitioners acting in Latin American mergers and acquisitions. Its aim is to be a valuable resource for business people, investors and their advisers as they embark on an M&A transaction.

To review this content, click here.