Diversity Initiative of the Year Award: Gómez-Pinzón’s extended paternity leave

Latin Lawyer speaks to Gómez-Pinzón partners Natalia García Arenas and Paula Samper Salazar about the firm’s decision to allocate up to four weeks of paternity leave – 20 days more than stipulated by Colombian law. The extended paternity leave policy wins this year’s Diversity Initiative of the Year Award.

Gómez-Pinzón introduced extended paternity leave in February 2020. Employees that have worked at the firm for over two years can now apply for up to 28 days of paternity leave at any time within the first year of having or adopting a child. It is understood that Gómez-Pinzón is the first law firm in Colombia to introduce an initiative like this.

For more information, click here.

Barros & Errázuriz promotes two new partners

Barros & Errázuriz has promoted two senior associates as new partners. Francisco Bórquez Electorat, part of the Competition & Antitrust group and José Luis Corvalán Pérez, part of the Dispute Resolution area.

“We are delighted to welcome these two outstanding lawyers, with important trajectories in their specialties. Both Francisco and José Luis have been invited to be part of the future of our Firm thanks to the talent, commitment and ethics that have characterized their professional development. Their contribution will undoubtedly be very relevant to continue projecting our Firm the coming years.”
Cristián Barros, Managing Partner, Barros & Errázuriz

With these new additions, the structure of Barros & Errázuriz is made up of 26 partners and more than 100 lawyers, consolidating itself as one of the most important legal firms in the country.

Two new partner promotions at Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes

Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes, S.C. is pleased to announce that Francisco Glennie and Carlos Jiménez have been elected partners effective July 1st, 2021. With this appointment the Firm will be made up of 21 partners, four of counsel and more than one hundred professionals.

“We are delighted to invite Francisco and Carlos to the partnership after more than a decade with us, in this new stage of their professional careers. Throughout the years, both Francisco and Carlos have proven to have the knowledge, commitment, ethics and professionalism to provide the highest quality services to our clients. We are convinced that their contributions and dedication to the Firm will continue to build great stories,” said Pablo Mijares, one of the founding partners.