Miranda & Amado promotes Luis Santa Cruz to partner

  • Luis Santa Cruz was promoted from the Labor practice area, in order to consolidate the full-service value proposition offered to the Firm’s clients. His appointment will become effective as of January 1, 2024.

In line with the Firm’s commitment to nurture young talent, Miranda & Amado appointed Luis Santa Cruz as partner, in order to consolidate the full-service value proposition offered to the Firm’s clients. His appointment will become effective as of January 1, 2024.

We are happy for Lucho, who has proved to be an excellent professional, and we are sure that, from his new role as partner, he will continue to consolidate his leadership within Miranda & Amado and in the daily work with our clients. This decision affirms our commitment to continue nurturing young talent as part of our culture and strategic objectives,” said Luis Miranda and Mauricio Raffo, managing partners.

Luis Santa Cruz’ professional practice focuses on legal advisory in individual and collective labor relations, collective bargaining, direct and indirect hiring, disciplinary procedures, occupational health and safety at work, labor tax; as well as in labor inspections and administrative procedures. He joined the firm as an associate in 2013 and was named counsel in 2019. Luis is a Lawyer from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú with a Master in Employment Law from Centro de Estudios Garrigues (Madrid, Spain).

Hence, Miranda & Amado confirms its commitment to offer comprehensive advice of the highest quality to its clients, reinforced by the knowledge, professionalism and experience brought about by the new partners. The Firm also upholds its pledge to practice law from a committed, modern, ethical, demanding and humane perspective covering all areas of law at the service of its clients.


Exploring legal horizons: María Alejandra Mora shares her Secondment experience in Mexico

María Alejandra Mora, from Gómez-Pinzón (Colombia), successfully finished the Secondment program at Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes (Mexico), an initiative that provides our young lawyers with the valuable opportunity to work abroad at one of our member firms. Discover her motivation, challenges, and how this experience translates into a journey of professional and personal discovery.

  • What motivated you to participate in this program?

What motivated me was the opportunity to gain international work experience. In law, it’s not so easy to go and practice elsewhere, starting from scratch without knowledge of the legislation. I was also motivated by the opportunity to be in an allied firm in a country with a different culture.

  • In which area did you work?

I joined the Corporate area, focusing on public procurement and infrastructure. I helped organize various proposals for projects, and concession titles, provided legal concepts on modifications to those titles, and the selection process modality for certain state procurement programs.

  • What do you highlight the most from your secondment experience?

When you’ve been with a firm for a long time, as I have at Gómez Pinzón, you learn to work comfortably with the team around you. Having new bosses here meant having to re-interact, knock on doors, and say, ‘Hello, I’m the new one from Colombia, how can I help you?’ I think it’s important to highlight that, reminding yourself that you always have new things to learn and challenges to take on. It’s an experience that allows you to step out of your comfort zone.

  • What was it like to live and work in a foreign country?

I moved from Colombia to Mexico, which has truly been an experience. Although the cultures are generally similar, and it’s easy to adapt, there are always changes when interacting. I made very good friends and received a warm welcome, and that made everything easier.

  • How would you describe this experience in one word?

It is a ‘discovery’ because you can grow a lot and learn different things from your home country, in addition to stepping out of your comfort zone.


Affinitas’ firms achieve top rankings in Chambers Fintech 2024

We are delighted to share that our member firms have been recognized in the 2024 edition of the Chambers and Partners FinTech Guide.

  • Barros & Errázuriz (Chile): Leading Firm / Band 1
  • Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes (Mexico): Leading Firm / Band 4
  • Miranda & Amado (Peru): Leading Firm / Band 1

We also extend our congratulations to Gabriela Dañino, from Miranda & Amado, honored as a Leading Individual in Peru.

Chambers FinTech identifies the leading payments, blockchain, cyber security and data protection specialists globally, offering an invaluable resource for start-up and scale-up FinTech businesses, incumbent tech and financial services firms, and PE/VC investors in the sector.

See all the results here: https://chambers.com/legal-guide/fintech-49