- Country: Chile
- Industry: Mining
- Location: La Serena - Region of Coquimbo
- Property: Andes Iron
- Volume: 12 million tonnes per annum of pellet iron concentrate and 150,000 tonnes per annum of copper concentrate.
- Investment: 2.3 billion
- Bidding: Private
- Status: Currently, a ruling from the First Environmental Court is pending, which was filed by the project's titleholder against the project's rejection by the Committee of Ministers.
The Dominga project consists of an open pit mine that will produce high grade iron concentrates and, as a by-product, copper concentrate. The mine is projected to produce 12 million tons per year of pellet iron concentrate and 150,000 tons per year of copper concentrate over a 22-year life.
The iron ore will be shipped via an underground pipeline to a shipping terminal to be built in the Totoralillo Norte sector. Instead, the copper concentrates will be transported by truck.