Dominga Desalination Project
- Country: Chile
- Industry: Water & Desalination
- Location: La Higuera, Region of Coquimbo
- Property: Minera Andes Iron SpA.
- Volume: 1.100 l/s
- Investment: 265 billion
- Bidding: Private
- Status: Final stage of environmental assessment
Dominga's desalination plant returns the water to the sea without chemicals and at the same temperature at which it was collected. In this way, Dominga will not use water from the Los Choros basin and will also provide water from its desalination plant to the inhabitants of the commune of La Higuera for human consumption. The port project will be voted on by the Committee of Ministers of Chile's Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA) at the end of the year following requirements and analysis of the ecosystem and the health of the surrounding communities.