Projects | October 2, 2024

Expansion of Lagunas Nitrate Plant


  • Country: Chile
  • Industry: Mining
  • Location: Región de Tarapacá, Comuna de Pozo Almonte, Provincia de Tamarugal.
  • Property: ACF Baquedano S.A.
  • Volume: 250,000 tons/year.
  • Investment: USD 35 million.
  • Bidding: Private
  • Status: Approved.


The project involves modifying the original "Lagunas Nitrate Plant" project, which was favorably assessed under Exempt Resolution No. 17/2004 by the Regional Environmental Commission of the Tarapacá Region, with the aim of extending its operational life and increasing its nitrate processing capacity. The original project sought to extract 400,000 tons of caliche monthly to produce 1,450 tons of high-purity iodine annually, resulting in the generation of over 7,000,000 tons of residual salts during the heap leaching process.