Projects | October 3, 2024

Gypsum Panels Plant and Rubí Quarry Expansion


  • Country: Chile
  • Industry: Mining
  • Location: Metropolitan Region, Cordillera Province, Municipalities of San José de Maipo and Puente Alto
  • Property: Knauf de Chile Limitada
  • Volume: 375,000 t/year
  • Investment: USD 102 million
  • Bidding: Private
  • Status: Under qualification


The project aims to expand the current exploitation of gypsum ore in the Rubí deposit, from 5,000 t/month to a maximum of 62,500 t/month, achieving a potential extraction rate of 375,000 t/year of gypsum (for six (6) months of seasonal operation due to climatic restrictions). The open-pit mining method will be used, with material being extracted through drilling and blasting. It is noteworthy that the establishment of an area as a waste dump is considered, where the waste material will be deposited.