Improvement of the Sewage and Wastewater Treatment System of the City of Puerto Maldonado
- Country: Peru
- Industry: Water & Desalination
- Location: Tambopata, Tambopata Province, Departament of Madre De Dios
- Investment: 88 million
- Term: 22 years
- Bidding: Public
- Status: Convened
Co-financed Public initiative. The project consists of designing, financing, constructing, rehabilitating, expanding, operating and maintaining the collection, treatment and final disposal systems for municipal wastewater in the city of Puerto Maldonado, including the construction of a WWTP with an average daily flow (Qpd) of 400 L/s, as well as monitoring and control of the Maximum Allowable Values. Estimated award date: 1Q 2024.
*Information based on Proinversión projects. Does not include projects of other entities.