La Dorada-Chiriguaná railway line
- Country: Colombia
- Industry: Metro & Train
- Location: Caldas, Antioquia y Cesar
- Property: National Infrastructure Agency (ANI)
- Volume: 522 kms
- Investment: 662.420.382
- Call Date: 2024
- Term: 10
- Bidding: Public
- Status: Bidding process
Public Private Partnership contract for the financing, Property Management, Social and Environmental and Network Management, the preparation of the Detailed Studies, the Construction, the Rehabilitation, Improvement, Operation, Maintenance and Reversion of the Railroad Infrastructure and Logistics Infrastructure corresponding to the Project Corridor Project between the municipalities of La Dorada (Caldas) and Chiriguaná (Cesar) with their respective branches; and (ii) the fine-tuning of the Nation's Rolling Stock, the Operation and Maintenance of said Rolling Stock and the Provision of the Public Railroad Freight Transportation Service.