Projects | November 8, 2023

Longitudinal de la Sierra highway, Section 4


  • Country: Peru
  • Industry: Toll roads and highways
  • Location: Apurimac, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Ica and Junín
  • Investment: 914 million
  • Term: 25 years
  • Bidding: Public
  • Status: Convened


Co-financed Public initiative. The project involves the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of 965.2 km of highways. The investment is made up of 3 intervention typologies: i) 5.20 km of construction of the new San Clemente bypass, ii) 179.30 km of rehabilitation and improvement of the Huancayo-Izcuchaca and Izcuchaca-Mayocc subsections, iii) 780.70 km of initial periodic maintenance of the subsections Mayocc-Ayacucho-Andahuaylas-Puente Sahuinto and Ayacucho-Huaytará-Div.Pisco. Operation and maintenance will include routine maintenance, as well as periodic maintenance and operation of tolls, weighing and mandatory services to ensure trafficability, meeting service levels and timely attending to any road emergency that may occur during the Concession period. Estimated award date: January 2024.

*Information based on Proinversión projects. Does not include projects of other entities.