Nueva Unión
- Country: Chile
- Industry: Water & Desalination
- Location: Huasco - Region of Atacama
- Property: Teck Resources y Newmont Goldcorp
- Volume: 700 liters per second (60,480 m3/d)
- Investment: 7.2 billion
- Bidding: Private
- Status: Environmental and feasibility study in progress.
The Project is expected to include a single desalination plant (with a capacity of about 700 liters per second (60,480 m3/d), a single port, a single transmission line, a single concentrator and a common waste facility. Teck Resources agrees to combine its respective El Morro and Relincho mining projects by establishing a 50/50 joint venture, "Nueva Union," which will produce copper, gold and molybdenum. The mine sites are approximately 40 meters apart, and the idea is to build a utility corridor to serve both sites, thus consolidating infrastructure, reducing capital and operating costs.