Operational Continuity District Pleito Phase III
- Country: Chile
- Industry: Mining
- Location: Atacama Region, Huasco Province, Vallenar Commune - Pleito District
- Property: Compañía Minera del Pacífico S.A.
- Volume: 240 kt/month
- Investment: USD 32 million
- Bidding: Private
- Status: In qualification.
The purpose of this Project is to utilize new mineral reserves, which involves updating its previous Mining Plan. This modification requires expanding the previously approved surface area of the Pleito Sur and Bronce Sur open pits, as well as the Bronce Sur, Pleito Sur Norte, and Pleito Sur Este waste dumps, along with the tailings dump from the processing plants. This will enable the continuation of iron ore extraction at the Pleito Mining District, extending the operational phase until 2029, with a maximum processing rate of approximately 240 kt/month, ensuring compliance with the Mining Plan presented in this EIA, which considers the extraction of a total volume of 56,261 kt of ore and waste.