Optimization Sierra Gorda
- Country: Chile
- Industry: Mining
- Location: Calama - Region of Antofagasta
- Property: Sierra Gorda SCM (joint venture between KGHM and Sumitomo).
- Volume: 190,000 tons per day authorized, up to a potentially optimal total of 230,000 tpd.
- Investment: 2 billion
- Bidding: Public-Private
- Status: Environmental Rating Resolution RCA 165/18. To date, the company reports improved operation of the tailings impoundment, optimization of ore treatment, concentrate filtration, and mine development and use of approved tailings dumps.
The "Operational Tailings Management and Optimization of the Sierra Gorda Project" project is a modification of the "Sierra Gorda Project" and is intended to approve a series of improvements to the operation, especially with respect to the tailings deposit belonging to the mining operation of the same name.
The project aims to optimize the operation by modifying the geotechnical design of the pit slopes, optimizing the final configuration of the tailings disposal site, incorporating new equipment in the areas of crushing, grinding, flotation, thickening and filtering, as well as improving its processes. The execution of these modifications will allow a possible increase in the concentrator plant's profit capacity from the authorized 190,000 tons per day to a potentially optimum total of 230,000 tpd.