Projects | November 8, 2023

Expansion and improvement of wastewater collection, treatment and disposal services in the towns of Huancayo, El Tambo, Chilca, Huayucachi, Huancán, Huacrapuquio and Viques, Province of Huancayo, Department of Junín


  • Country: Peru
  • Industry: Water & Desalination
  • Location: Huancayo Province in the department of Junín
  • Investment: 172 million
  • Term: 23 years
  • Bidding: Public
  • Status: In evaluation


Co-financed Private Initiative. The project includes the construction of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) for wastewater produced in the towns of Huancayo, El Tambo, Chilca, Huancán, Huayucachi, Huacrapuquio and Viques. It also includes the construction of approximately 34 kilometers of primary and secondary collectors that will intercept the current discharges into the Mantaro, Chilca and Ancalá rivers. Chilca and Ancalá; the same ones that will lead the wastewater to the WWTP. Including 8 wastewater pumping stations (EBAR) and their respective impulsion lines. Estimated date of declaration of interest: 1Q 2024. Estimated direct award date: July 2024.

*Information based on Proinversión projects. Does not include projects of other entities.