Projects | November 8, 2023

500kV Huánuco-Tocache-Celendín-Trujillo and Celendín-Piura lines


  • Country: Peru
  • Industry: Energy - Electricity
  • Location: Department of Cajamarca, San Martín, La Libertad, Huánuco, Amazonas, Lambayeque and Piura
  • Volume: 500 kV
  • Investment: 833 million
  • Term: 30 years O&M plus construction period
  • Bidding: Public-Private
  • Status: Convened


Self-financed Public initiative. The objective of this Project is to reinforce the Northern zone of the country, providing reliability and greater transfer capacity between the Central and Northern zones. Likewise, it will reduce the risk of voltage collapse in the event of far-reaching contingencies in the area. These transmission lines are part of the second longitudinal axis of the National Power Grid's 500 kV transmission scheme, which will connect the Central and Northern zones. Estimated award date: 4Q, 2023.

*Information based on Proinversión projects. Does not include projects of other entities.