Projects | September 8, 2020

Improvement Of Productive Capacity Collahuasi / Compañía Minera Doña Inés De Collahuasi


  • Country: Chile
  • Industry: Mining
  • Location: Pica - Region of Tarapacá
  • Property: Anglo American plc (44%) and Japan Collahuasi Resources B.V. (12%)
  • Volume: 210.000 tpd
  • Investment: 3.2 billion
  • Bidding: Private
  • Status: Environmentally approved in December 2021.


At the end of 2018, Minera Collahuasi entered the Environmental Evaluation System with the project "Development of Infrastructure and Improvement of Production Capacity", which contemplates optimizing the concentrator plant from 170,000 tpd to 210,000 tpd in the medium term, as well as reactivating the production of cathodes through the bio-leaching process and optimizing the molybdenum plant. The initiative will extend the useful life of this plant for an additional 20 years, requiring an investment of US$3.2 billion over five years.