Javier, partner at Barros & Errázuriz, has extensive experience in Capital Markets, Corporate Compliance and Corporate Governance, Securities Litigation, Commercial law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Joint Ventures and Foreign Investment.
He served as a senior attorney in the Legal Department of the Chilean Commission for Financial Markets (Comisión para el Mercado Financiero, former Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros), being involved in securities registrations, supervision of public offerings, authorization of investment and mutual funds, and securitization of assets. He also participated in securities enforcement cases (insider trading, price manipulation, financial fraud and self-dealing) as well as litigation before Chilean courts. He has participated in the drafting of legal and administrative rules concerning securities regulation.
In 2005 Javier was appointed as Expert by the Chilean Government for the first three meetings of the “UNIDROIT Committee of Governmental Experts for the Preparation of the Draft Convention on Harmonized Substantive Rules Regarding Securities held with Intermediaries” (Rome 2005 and 2006), where he was appointed as member of the drafting committee.