Affinitas awarded Band 1 ranking by Chambers Latin America 2023

For another consecutive year, Affinitas has been recognized as a Band 1 Leading Regional Law Firm Network (Latin America – Wide) by the Chambers Latin America guide, a prestigious publication that recognizes the most prominent law firms in the region.

This recognition strengthens our commitment to respond to our clients’ special need through a close-knitted network of more than 450 lawyers, who are devoted to delivering first-rate, timely and customized advice to multinational and regional businesses in Latin America.

About Affinitas

Affinitas is a closely knitted team of top-tier law firms in the countries of the Pacific Alliance: Barros & Errázuriz in Chile, Gómez-Pinzón in Colombia, Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes in Mexico, and Miranda & Amado in Perú.

Each member firm is independent, full-service, and considered a true market leader in its respective jurisdiction. Affinitas offers clients seamless and integrated legal services delivered by outstanding firms that work as one.


For more information, please visit Chambers & Partners.

Affinitas firms awarded Elite rankings in Latin Lawyer 250 2023

Affinitas is pleased to announce that its four member firms were awarded “Elite” rankings in the 2023 edition of Latin Lawyer 250, a definitive guide to the leading business law firms in Latin America.

#TheTeamThatWorks is recognized as “Elite” for its services in:



Latin Lawyer 250 is a ranking that includes the leading business law firms in Latin America. In the 2023 edition, the Firms are presented in three distinct categories that are based on extensive research: Elite, Highly Recommended and Recommended.

For more information, please visit Latin Lawyer.

Affinitas firms shortlisted in Chambers Latin America Awards 2022

We are pleased to announce that all four Affinitas member firms have been shortlisted in six categories at the Chambers Latin America Awards 2022 and Chambers D&I Awards: Latin America  2022.

The awards recognize firms’ pre-eminence in key jurisdictions in the region and reflect achievements over the past year, including outstanding work, impressive strategic growth, and excellence in client service.

The team that works was shortlisted in the following categories:

  • Chile Firm of the Year | Barros & Errázuriz
  • Colombia Firm of the Year | Gómez-Pinzón
  • Mexico Firm of the Year | Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes
  • Peru Firm of the Year | Miranda & Amado
  • Pro Bono: Outstanding Firm | Gómez-Pinzón | Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Outstanding Firm | Gómez-Pinzón | Miranda & Amado

In addition, two Affinitas lawyers have been named finalists for individual awards at the Chambers D&I Awards: Latin America 2022:

  • Diversity and Inclusion: Outstanding Contribution | Lorenza Langarica
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Future Leader | Valeria Osorio

Winners will be announced at an award ceremony taking place in Miami on Friday 28th October 2022. To view the complete shortlist, please visit Chambers & Partners.